Tuesday, March 20, 2012

101 Things I Learned In Architecture School

101 Things I Learned In Architecture School

Cheap 101 Things I Learned In Architecture School. 101 THINGS I LEARNED IN ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL is a book that students of architecture will want to keep in the design studio and in their backpacks. It is also a book they may want to keep out of view of their professors, for it expresses in clear and simple language the things they tend to make murky and abstruse. These 101 concise lessons in design, drawi... ... » Learn more about 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School.

Review for 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School.This book is a quick read. His 101 selections are quick and to the point. Each written page has a visual communication to accompany it, so if you're a visual learner, you will appreciate this.i.e. He writes, "A good presentation meets the Ten-foot Test. The essential elements of the drawings you pin up for a design studio presentation in particular, label... ... » Read more about 101 Things I Learned In Architecture School.

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